Uma entrevista feita em Maio de 2001.
Como o tempo passa e como os Keane conseguiram alcançar o sucesso que tanto desejavam.
Nesta altura ainda Dom, o guitarrista, fazia parte da banda, é engraçado ver as fotografias de como eles eram há 6 anos atrás.
Vale a pena ler a continuação da entrevista feita por Paul Rodwell.

Where do you see yourselves in a year's time? I ask. "It's tricky" says Tom, "it depends on how well the new single impacts on people, we're also doing our own 8 track stuff to back it up, hopefully settling down to record an album then a tour, long term plans are to produce really great albums, but in a year even just being another step closer to being a really good band. I think that's what basically drives us, to be interesting and get our music out to as many people as possible and inspire them. We have confidence in ourselves and in less than a year's time we should be able to convince people that we can do great stuff and people will know we can do it." Tim laments the fact that "Every day we spend sitting in our jobs we wish we could be doing our music, you only have one life and it's a shame to do a mundane boring job." Prompting Tom to reply "But you have to make sacrifices because you know that it will pay off eventually. It probably wont be as rosy as it looks but it least it will be rewarding."
Fonte: http://www.efestivals.co.uk/misc/interviews/keane010525.shtml
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