11.10.07 | 04.29.pm
Part three of our exclusive interview with Tim
ANDREW: How do you view Tom as a frontman now? I remember reading that you rated him as one of the best around.
TIM: In order to have that ability to really martial a crowd and race around a stadium, you’ve got to have an incredible amount of energy, and probably some sort of, um, weirdness in your mental make-up! I think it’s an incredible gift that Tom has, but there’s always another side to it. For all of the energy he puts into the band performances, he has to balance that with really retreating. And I think he also feels he’s out there being scrutinised so much of the time, that when he retreats into his shell it’s hard for people who don’t have some sort of emotional access to break down that wall.
CHRIS: He’s a showman at the end of the day.
TIM: Yeah! He feels it so much, he’s a very very passionate and emotional person. But a lot of that gets put into music and again performing, and it’s just like he needs to retreat from it sometimes in order to do that.
12.10.07 | 03.30.pm
The final part of our exclusive in-depth interview

TIM: My personal approach, and I think our approach as a band, is it should be true to life. It’s funny - I’m constantly amazed by the amount of people that want to take on a different persona for a song - although there are great albums like 'Nebraska' by Bruce Springsteen which are full of those songs, so it obviously has a lot of merit. But the thing that really amazes me is when people say that they don’t want to write about certain things because they’re personal. I even hear people criticising songwriters for being too personal, which seems very, very odd to me. My view is that the closer to the bone it is, the better. That’s where all the good songs come out.
To read the whole interview go to: www.keanemusic.com
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