Imagina teres a oportunidade de estares com Richard, o nosso baterista preferido!
Dois fãs tiveram essa sorte, o Andrew e o Chris estiveram frente a frente com o Richard e conversaram sobre vários temas, entre eles a rehabilitação do Tom . Aqui está uma parte dessa entrevista:
ANDREW: Was there any particular point where you thought, for the first time, that it was a problem that needed to be addressed, or did it just come to a head in Japan?
RICHARD: With the rehab thing? Well, Tom went into rehab in January 2006 while we were mixing the record. Obviously, it wasn't effective, and he said himself that he kind of knew that he was just bluffing his way through it. He's a very intelligent man, and I think it's possible for intelligent people to bluff their way through many things. We were cancelling things left, right and centre, like the U2 show in Lisbon, and I remember a radio session when I was actually in the radio station when I got a phone call saying 'You have to leave, and you have to take your bags with you'. I had to walk past the engineer who was setting up the microphones for the session with my bag, and he said 'I hope you'll come back'. At that point, when we pulled out of doing Jools Holland, it was clear that it was all getting too much for Tom again, and that what we were doing was not helping – in fact, it was probably making things worse. The point is that we had all these things coming up, and Tom obviously wasn't ready to do them and he needed to get himself sorted out a bit and work out if he wanted to do them first. At that point, it was pretty fucking obvious to everyone that it had to be sorted out.
A entrevista integral podes ler no site oficial keanemusic.com
Amanhã estará disponível a segunda parte da entrevista.
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