domingo, 16 de dezembro de 2007

Keane's Christmas song

O Natal está a chegar, por isso deixo-vos aqui um pequeno presente :)
"A Heart To Hold You", uma música dos Keane de 2004 que não chegou a ser editada, mas foi feita a pensar no Natal.
A Heart To Hold You - "It's a really lovely song and one that is very close to our hearts. When we were asked to do a Christmassy-type song for Radio 1 there were some awful cheesy Christmas songs and we really racked our brains to think of something we'd be alright covering. But, in the end, we thought we'd do something of our own - it has a Christmassy message of warmth and love and I think that's a really important thing." - Tom to Radio 1 - Source
The song was only given a title the week of it first being played on radio (beginning of December 2004), and previously refered to as "The Bing Crosby One", "The Bing Crosby Song" or "The Bing Crosby Number" due to it sounding Christmassy, and Bing Crosby's assocation with Christmas (because of White Christmas)

2 comentários:

longedemim disse...

essa musica é lindaaa!!



Eric Nobre disse...

Cara, eu sou um fã do Keane e à muito tempo eu venho tentando colocar algumas faixas pra executar no meu blog, mas não tive sucesso.Se fosse possível gostaria que vc me ajudasse nesse problema, meu blog é:
Agradeceria muito a sua ajuda.
De um Fã para outro.